Thursday, January 30, 2020
Advice to a Friend on Choosing a Mistress Essay Example for Free
Advice to a Friend on Choosing a Mistress Essay In his message, Franklin advises his friend that marriage is the best solution not for only sexual desires but also the undisputable source of solid happiness. Having suspicions that his friend would not follow his guidance, Franklin recommends him to choose older mistresses instead of younger ones and lists eight valuables reasons to better support his argument. Franklin commences his essay by presenting advantages of the marriage. He says I know of no medicine fit to diminish the violent inclinations you mention Marriage is the proper remedy. It is most natural state of man and therefore the state in which you can are most likely to find solid happiness. Through those sentences, Franklin seems to estimate that from a masculine view, one of the main advantages of the marriage is to bring pacification toward requirements of the flesh. The recipient of the letter who was the friend of the author seemed to be looking for a situation in which he could find sexual partner and happiness without commitment. Based on the previous quotes, the author claims that the best situation in which he could find hat he was looking for was a marriage. In his letter, Franklin advices his friend to settle because It is the man and woman together that make the complete human being. If Franklin thinks that the marriage is so positive, this is relied to both psychological and socio-economical reasons. First all he is convinced that the married life is more balancing that the single lifetime. Franklin believes that a man who did not find the soul mate is in other words incomplete, unaccomplished by saying that A single man has not nearly the value he would have in that sate of union, He is an ncomplete animal. He resembles the odd half of a pair of scissors. Based on this judgement, Franklin means that family life calms people; it is the natural arrangement in which they can organize their production strength with the most possible benefit. While Franklin affirms that together there are more likely to succeed in the world there is no doubt that he is referring to the material success. Concerning the woman, it is only in a marriage that she can show up her real values. Through the letter, Franklin continues to give worthy reasons in order to convince the ecipient about getting married. Franklin having doubts that his friend would not consider his advice followed his representation of the marriage by an alternative solution to satisfy his needs. If his friend his not ready to commit and wants to continue a commerce with Sex inevitable, he suggested that you should prefer old woman to young ones. The first raison that Franklin used to support his case is that they nave more knowledge ot the world, and their minds are better stored witn observations, their conversation is more improving and more lastingly agreeable. By affirming this, Franklin makes an allusion to the intelligence of older woman. He illustrates that people gain knowledge as they get older. They have, in principle knew more love stories or adventures than youngest ones, thus they better know men, know how to take care of them and also how to satisfy them. Franklin defends the idea that a debate with an old woman is rich and interesting, because they had been through many involvements from witch they had retains acquaintance. They have lived longer and have things to communicate to you. Franklin also supports his reference for older woman by saying that To maintain their influence over men, they supply the diminution of beauty by an augmentation of utility. This is to illustrate that older woman, with the time spend less time worrying about their appearance, which they use to do more important stuff. To him, when beauty disappears, women improve their service. At their age, they assume their femininity and do so without any complex. Franklin, who was a man of science and also know as Lady Man also gave bodily motivation for choosing an older woman. He implies that ? because in every animal that walks upright the deficiency of the fluids that fill the muscles appears first in the highest part. The face first grows lank and wrinkled; then the neck; then the breast and arms; the lower parts continuing to the last as plump as ever: so that covering all above with a basket, and regarding only what is below the girdle, it is impossible of two women to tell an old one from a young one. His purpose here is to assure his friend that there are no doubts or fear to have on the corporal pleasure of an old woman. According to him as in the dark all cats are rey, the pleasure of corporal enjoyment with an old woman is at least equal, and frequently superior. This is to support that woman are woman regardless of age, an old woman can perform the same way as a young one concerning sexual experience. Sometimes, they are even considered superior. Through the note, Franklin by saying because there is no hazard of children, which irregularly produced may be attended with much inconvenience refers to the fact that woman at a certain age cant get pregnant. Thus while dating them the chance of being relied to them by omeone or something is null. This also makes the separation easier and leaves out others inconvenient that children can bring in a relationship. Across the letter, Franklin continues to encourage his friend to choose an old female if this last one persist in thinking a Commerce with the ser. He establishes a formal and highly analytical tone with his receiver about the discretion an old mistress can have in their relationship. He supports his suggestion by affirming that because through more experience they are more prudent and discreet in conducting an intrigue to revent suspicion. The commerce with them is therefore safer with regard to your reputation. From the following sentence, the author suggests that with an old woman, it is less probable that the relationship get revealed consequently with her you reputation will be at the shelter because they are more responsible in managing a relationship and they now what they want. Finally, Franklin ends up with his letter by saying they are so grateful. Even thoug h Franklin, in his letter gave an approved receipt to find the best mistress, it is obvious that considering as the ounding father his interest for marriage respond to others concern more important than the promotion ot the psych-to-emotional blooming.
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Analysis of Robert Frosts Poem, Departmental Essay -- Poetry Robert F
Analysis of Robert Frost's Poem, Departmental â€Å"Departmental†by Robert Frost is a poem written in rhymed couplets with three beats per line (trimeter). Throughout the poem, Frost uses poetic devices such as personification, allusion, rhyme, and alliteration. The poem as a whole serves as a metaphor for the way humans deal with issues like death.      The poem begins with a description of a scene familiar to many, â€Å"an ant on a tablecloth†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Then the ant bumps into a day drowsy moth that is much larger than him. The ant seems a tad bit jealous that the moth lacks the amount of responsibility that ants are burdened with. The ant thinks that if the moth were one of his own race he’d chastise him and send him back to work. He describes how the ant society is much more sophisticated and intellectual than the likes of the moth. Their philosophy is to learn about religion, nature, and space. The ant then being concerned with his own duties hurries back to his own job. The ant subsequently runs into another ant carrying â€Å"the body of one of their dead.†The poem goes on to describe the ants’ treatment and procedures of the dead. The ants are not taken aback by the death â€Å"†¦ isn’t even given a moment’s arrest, seems not even impressed.†However, wo rd of the deceased is passed along among the ants, â€Å"death has come to Jerry McCormick.†They reflect briefly on the life of Jerry, mentioning that he was a â€Å"selfless forager.†The dutiful priorities of the ants then kick in when they put o...
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Development of a Communications Plan for a Corporate Website Launch
AWARDS CEREMONY FOR MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT AND PROVINCIAL LEGISLATORS AT UNISA on 18 November 2011 GOVERNANCE AND LEADERSHIP PROGRAMME DRAFT COMMUNICATIONS PLAN Background An awards ceremony will be held on 18 November 2011 in Pretoria for 158 Members of Parliament and Provincial Legislatures who have completed the Governance and Leadership Programme. The programme is offered under the auspices of the University of South Africa (UNISA). A total of 293 MPs and MPLs registered for the programme initially but some could not complete their studies on time. The Programme is supported by the South African Legislative Sector, under the guidance of the Speakers’ Forum and Public Administration Leadership Academy, PALAMA. Communication Objectives Parliament considers the role of public representatives to be central in exercising its role as the supreme law-making body in the country. As such, Members of Parliament and Provincial Legislatures need to acquire the requisite skills and competencies that will enable them to approach their work more judiciously and to participate more effectively in Parliamentary processes of law-making, oversight and public participation. Target audience Members of Parliament Members of Provincial Legislatures Speakers’ Forum SALSA General Public Key Messages †¢ The Capacity Building Development Programme enhances Members’ ability to execute their constitutional responsibilities more effectively †¢ Members are able to analyse policy, legislation, strategy more effectively †¢ The role of Parliament and Provincial legislatures is considerably enhanced in the public arena †¢ The South African public gains confidence in the ability of MPs and MPLs to execute their public duties in a responsible manner COMMUNICATION TOOLS Internal Newsletters (Parliament, Legislatures and PALAMA) (Responsibility: Michael Ralo, Gerbrecht van Heerden, PALAMA and provinces) †¢ Intranet and website (Parliament, Legislatures and PALAMA) (Responsibility: Michael Ralo, Gerbrecht van Heerden, PALAMA and provinces) External †¢ Media statement (Radio, TV and print) Action: Media statement drafted, waiting for approval Action: TV, radio and print interviews to be arranged from 14-18 November 2011 Speakers scheduled for interview include the following Members of the Reference Group on Training: Deputy Speaker: National Assembly, Ms NC Mfeketo Deputy Speaker: Free State Legislature, Ms MA Tsopo Speaker: Limpopo Legislature, Mr KA Phala Deputy Speaker: Eastern Cape Legislature, Ms N Moerane-Mamase Deputy Speaker: KwaZulu-Natal Legislature, Mr M Mthimkulu PRINT MEDIA The Star Citizen Beeld Sowetan Daily times City Press Sunday Times Sunday World RADIO & TV Jacaranda Kaya FM yfm SABC Radio News Metro FM Thobela Motswedi Ukhozi Umhlobo Wenene Mohlodi Ligwalagwala SABC TV News Radio 2000 Radio 702 (Responsibility: Michael Ralo, Abe Mokoka – Gauteng Legislature, Sanelisiwe Mbhele – PALAMA and provinces) †¢ Event (Graduation ceremony and gala dinner and photography) (Responsibility: Msimelelo Nyikana, Millie Daweti and Task Team) †¢ Sector-wide publications (Responsibility: Michael Ralo, Parliament) †¢ Sector Annual Report (Responsibility: LSS)
Monday, January 6, 2020
Medical Errors And Unsafe Care Harm - 1319 Words
Medical errors and unsafe care harm and kill thousands of Americans each year. Approximately two million healthcare-associated infections occur annually in the United States, accounting for an estimated 90,000 deaths and more than $4.5 billion in hospital healthcare costs (Patient Safety, 2015). Safety is one of the six competencies the QSEN faculty and National Advisory Board explained to be initiated in nursing pre-licensure programs in order to increase the quality and safety of healthcare systems. Safety in healthcare decreases risk of harm to patients and providers through both system effectiveness and individual performance. The integration of safety in healthcare, which is important for future nurses to utilize in practice, can be†¦show more content†¦With clinical expertise, a nurse can identify gaps in care that would result in critical patient outcomes and fix the gaps in time. Nurses are accountable for speaking up for patients in situations when safety issues ar ise. For example, when there is a breach in sterilization and a nurse notices the breach, the nurse is accountable to bring awareness of the breach to the staff no matter who is responsible or what the nurse who notices the breaches position or seniority may be. If a medical error hurts a patient, then the involved organization and nurse is accountable and needs to take responsibility. â€Å"Providing education about participating in crucial conversations and reviewing culture principles could improve a team’s ability to speak up and be accountable†(BattiÉ, Steelman, 2014). Being accountable and taking responsibility means informing the patient of the error and damage it caused, apologizing and providing care for the injury or illness, performing a root cause analysis of the error, and learning from the analysis by keeping the error from occurring again. A root cause analysis needs to be done after the error occurs. All staff associated in the error must particip ate in the analysis in order to keep speculation from happening that will cover up the facts. The goal of the analysis is not to blame an individual for the error, but rather to make changes to keep the error from happening again. Nurses are the most trusted
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